You may have noticed that Bria's art is pay what you can! When she ran her arts for change practice, she also had sliding scale rates. Lots of people asked her about this, so Bria is leaving the information below here as a resource for others who may be interested in doing something similar.
Overall, adopting an alternate model like this was a very fulfilling choice - one that Bria would wholeheartedly recommend (and talks at length about here). It aligned with Bria's personal values and helped her make art accessible to anyone who wanted or needed it. It helped her reconcile the more transactional aspects of doing art for a living. It forced her to trust and hope in ways that were unexpectedly freeing. Most importantly, it encouraged people to re-orient their thinking about the "value" of art. When price isn't the first thing people are met with, they can start to see art as a form of communication, understanding, liberation, and empowerment - not just something to be owned. It was an important step in Bria figuring out how she wanted to engage with the world and what role her art could play. In short, a small rebellion with some beautiful effects.
It did come with a bit of trial and error. When she first started out, she tried not providing prices at all. People repeatedly asked for suggestions. Sometimes it was a matter of curiosity - people were by and large very open to learning and ready to get behind something like this. Oftentimes all it took was a little bravery to push past discomfort in a conversation. Other times it was more challenging, and there were moments of distinct inequity; while people with less tended to be more generous, the intention was a bit of wealth distribution. Over time, it became clear that definitions of wealth vary drastically from person to person; what some consider needs, others consider luxuries. Because we're not used to having conversations around money, it was difficult for people to determine where they were at (on both ends of the spectrum).
Bria ultimately decided to provide a range of suggested prices, accept payment plans, and provide avenues for monthly donations if people wanted to support her long-term. She also developed some statements to contextualize need (below), paired with a preamble: "Not every statement may fit you, pick what's closest. Higher rates support subsidized ones, and the world goes round and round."
Feel free to reach out if you want to talk to Bria about this more.

$0 /hour
$30 /hour
Food and medical care are a challenge to access and afford. I'm between stable housing and / or employment.
Money goes toward immediate needs and I have no extra income or savings.
I don't have a safety net. I might be undocumented.
For organizations:
We're just starting out, or aren't making profit.
We might be volunteer-run, but we strive for better.

I am housed and employed. I have healthcare and enough food.
I can meet my needs but don't have savings or much extra income.
I don't have a safety net of friends and family to help me in an emergency.
For organizations:
We can meet our expenses, but only just.
Our highest paid employees make $10-20k/year or less.
$75 /hour
I have access to adequate food, reliable transportation, stable housing, and healthcare.
I can afford things like coffee shops, concerts, gym memberships, and pets. I might even have savings.
I have a safety net for unexpected expenses.
For organizations:
We get paid enough to sustain ourselves and cover expenses.
Our highest paid employees make between $30-$50k.
$200 /hour
I can meet my basic needs and even have money left over afterwards.
I can afford to go out multiple time a month. I can travel for fun. I have comfortable savings, and I might invest.
I have financially stable family and friends.
For organizations:
We have a healthy financial cushion and longevity plan.
Our highest paid employees make >$60k.